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  • Fixed Time Robust Trajectory Tracking Control for Quadrotor UAV with Disturbances


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    标签: Unmanned aerial vehicles Convergence Robustness Disturbance observers Stability analysis
    会议名称:2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC)
    会议日期:27-29 July 2020

    简介:Robust tracking controller design is a key technology for unmanned UAV to achieve the flying target. Based on bi-limit homogeneity property, this paper researches the fixed time trajectory tracking controller design for quadrotor UAV under environmental disturbances. By the design of a multivariable fixed time disturbance observer, the continuous homogenous position and attitude tracking controllers are proposed and fixed time convergence is ensured. A comprehensive rigorous stability proof is presented with the combination of bi-limit homogeneity and Lyapunov technique. Finally, the designed controllers are utilized to track a pre-planned trajectory in the 3D space and simulation results illustrate the effectiveness.

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