{{ isshow ? '详情收起' : '详情展开' }} 下载本文档 去查看 会员免费领取 约18页 pdf 发布于2024-02-29 作者: 出版日期: 出版社: James Keane, Capability Systems Centre and School of Engineering and IT University of New South Wales Campbell ACT Australia, Keith F. Joiner, Capability Systems Centre and School of Engineering and IT University of New South Wales Campbell ACT Australia, Sanjeev Arulampalam, Maritime Division Defence Science and Technology Group DST Edinburg SA Australia, Russ Webber, Maritime Division Defence Science and Technology DST Eveleigh NSW Australia, 思维导图: 点击这里查看思维导图 标签: {{item.tagName}} ai标签: {{description}} {{content}} 内容加载中... 剩余{{ unReadPage }}页未读, 继续阅读