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  • Systems research for unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles


    0 约8页 pdf
    标签: carbon fibre reinforced composites mobile robots marine systems oceanographic equipment navigation

    出版社:Deacon Lab., Inst. of Oceanogr. Sci., Godalming, UK

    会议日期:13-16 Sept. 1994

    简介:Unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) hold considerable promise as a major new tool for gathering data in the deep ocean. However, developments are needed in a range of key technologies before reliable and cost-effective deep-diving vehicles (6000 metres depth) can be fully realised. The paper describes progress being made in a European collaborative research project (supported under Alliance and EC MAST II programmes) in three generic areas fundamental to AUV design: the application of carbon fibre composites in pressure hull design, sub-surface navigation, and the implications of sensor payload for vehicle design and control. Initial analysis of some representative science missions is helping to guide the work.

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