Nonlinear Attitude Control of Flexible Spacecraft With Scissored Pairs of Control Moment Gyros
摘要:Dynamic equations describing the attitude motion of flexible spacecraft with scissored pairs of control moment gyroscopes are established. A nonlinear controller is designed to drive the flexible spacecraft to implement three-axis large-angle attitude maneuvers with the vibration suppression. Singularity analysis for three orthogonally mounted scissored pairs of control moment gyros shows that there exists no internal singularity in this configuration. A new pseudo-inverse steering law is designed based on the synchronization of gimbal angles of the twin gyros in each pair. To improve the synchronization performance,an adaptive nonlinear feedback controller is designed for each pairs of control moment gyros by using the stability theory of Lyapunov. Simulation results are provided to show the validity of the controllers and the steering law.
出版日期:September 2012
刊名:Journal of Dynamic Systems,Measurement,and Control