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  • Trajectory Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Wireless Communication with Ground Terminals


    0 约15页 pdf
    会议名称:AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum
    会议日期:11-15 & 19-21 January 2021

    简介:Trajectory optimization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for communication systems usually aims to maximize UAV throughput or minimize UAV energy consumption. In this work, communication throughput rate between a UAV and a ground terminal (GT) is maximized using two different methods. First, a pseudospectral optimal control method is applied to directly compute the trajectory with practical constraints. Next, the rate-maximization model is reformulated into a convex optimization problem and solved with the same constraints. A comparison of the results from both methods are given. Lastly, various performance measures are considered, and the optimal trajectories of the UAV for a straight flight, rate-maximization, energy-minimization, and maximum energy-efficiency are obtained using the pseudospectral method, and the results are compared to the convex optimization results from the literature.

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